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Imbalance of apoptosis and cell proliferation contributes to the development and persistence of emphysema.
Lung. 2012 Feb;190(1):69-82
Authors: Lee JH, Hanaoka M, Kitaguchi Y, Kraskauskas D, Shapiro L, Voelkel NF, Taraseviciene-Stewart L
BACKGROUND: We postulate that in adults there is an established lung structure maintenance program and that lung alveolar septal cells are undergoing both continuous apoptosis and proliferation. Whereas lung cell apoptosis has been recognized in human emphysema, little is known about cell proliferation.
METHODS: Using a novel rat model of emphysema, induced by intratracheal instillation of cigarette smoke extract (CSE), we investigated the dynamics of emphysematous lung destruction. Emphysematous lung destruction was determined by measuring mean linear intercept and destructive index. Lung injury and repair were assessed by immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis for active caspase-3 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of CSE instillations.
RESULTS: The emphysematous lung tissue destruction was present at 4 weeks of CSE treatment and progressed to 8 weeks. Spontaneous repair began at 12 weeks. Treatment with a peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)?+? agonist or granulocyte and macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) for 4 weeks prevented the progression of emphysematous lung destruction and decreased the number of caspase-3-positive cells.
CONCLUSION: Apoptosis and cell proliferation occur in this new model of emphysema. Treatment with a PPAR?+? agonist or GM-CSF can inhibit the progression of emphysematous alveolar septal destruction by decreasing alveolar cell apoptosis.
PMID: 22015802 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]